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The OT algorithm and Univer's Collaborative Editing Design

The OT algorithm and Univer's Collaborative Editing Design

Univer, being an enterprise data collaboration tool, strives to enable users to engage in collaborative editing at any location, time, or device. Throughout this endeavor, we have encountered numerous intriguing technological challenges, and among them, one of the most formidable conundrums has been crafting a well-designed Operational Transformation (OT) algorithm. This article aims to expound upon the fundamental principles behind OT algorithms while elucidating the intricacies of Univer's collaborative editing module.

Wenzhao Hu 2024-01-12
Initial Exploration of Document Typesetting Design in Univer

Initial Exploration of Document Typesetting Design in Univer

Univer Documents, a component of the Univer office suite, can be better understood by delving into the "Architectural Framework and Module Design of Univer Documents" document. This publication offers insights into the structural considerations and module delineations within the Univer Documents framework. The primary focus of this article lies in elucidating the document typesetting requisites and elucidating how Univer Documents caters to these needs through its architectural design.

TypesettingArchitectureUniver Doc
Jocs 2024-01-11
Univer Document Architecture and Module Design

Univer Document Architecture and Module Design

Univer Document is one of the components of the Univer office suite, aimed at providing a top-notch document editing and typesetting experience. We not only integrate in terms of product form, reducing switching costs between different suites through a boundary-less mode, but also enable data interoperability across different suites. In terms of technical architecture, we strive to achieve implementation through a unified architecture, ensuring efficient development experience while also providing more room for imagination in the integration of product forms.

Univer DocArchitectureMVVM
Jocs 2024-01-11
This is Univer

This is Univer

This article aims to help newbies quickly familiarize themselves with the architecture and code of the open-source project "univer", which is also my learning and summary of participating in the development of "univer" over the past period of time

SheetArchitectureMVCGood First
Jocs 2024-01-06