Univer Doc
Advanced Usage
Extending UI

Extending UI

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How To Register Custom Menu in Third-Party Plugin?

If you are writing a Univer plugin, you can easily use IMenuService in the dependency injection system to register menu items.

1. Plugin Environment

Make sure you understand the plugin mechanism and have created a new plug-in via @univerjs/create-cli (opens in a new tab).

First, construct a controller class to register menu item commands, menu item icons, and menu item configurations.

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
@OnLifecycle(LifecycleStages.Steady, CustomMenuController)
export class CustomMenuController extends Disposable {
    @Inject(Injector) private readonly _injector: Injector,
    @ICommandService private readonly _commandService: ICommandService,
    @IMenuService private readonly _menuService: IMenuService,
    @Inject(ComponentManager) private readonly _componentManager: ComponentManager,
  ) {
   * register commands
  private _initCommands(): void { }
   * register icon components
  private _registerComponents(): void { }
   * register menu items
  private _initMenus(): void { }

Register this controller to the plugin

// src/plugin/plugin.ts
export class UniverSheetsCustomMenuPlugin extends Plugin {
  static override type = UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET;
  static override pluginName = SHEET_CUSTOM_MENU_PLUGIN;
    @Inject(Injector) protected readonly _injector: Injector
  ) {
  override onStarting(injector: Injector): void {
    ] as Dependency[]).forEach((d) => injector.add(d));

2. Menu Item Command

Before registering a menu, you need to construct a Command, which will be executed when the menu is clicked.

// src/plugin/commands/operations/single-button.operation.ts
export const SingleButtonOperation: ICommand = {
  id: 'custom-menu.operation.single-button',
  type: CommandType.OPERATION,
  handler: async (accessor: IAccessor) => {
    alert('Single button operation');
    return true;

Register this Command to ICommandService

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _initCommands(): void {
  ].forEach((c) => {

3. Menu Item Icon

If your menu item requires an icon, you also need to register the icon in advance.

First construct an icon tsx component

// src/plugin/components/button-icon/ButtonIcon.tsx
export function ButtonIcon() {
  return (
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
      <path fill="currentColor" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12S6.477 2 12 2m.16 14a6.981 6.981 0 0 0-5.147 2.256A7.966 7.966 0 0 0 12 20a7.97 7.97 0 0 0 5.167-1.892A6.979 6.979 0 0 0 12.16 16M12 4a8 8 0 0 0-6.384 12.821A8.975 8.975 0 0 1 12.16 14a8.972 8.972 0 0 1 6.362 2.634A8 8 0 0 0 12 4m0 1a4 4 0 1 1 0 8a4 4 0 0 1 0-8m0 2a2 2 0 1 0 0 4a2 2 0 0 0 0-4" />

Register this icon to ComponentManager

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _registerComponents(): void {
  this.disposeWithMe(this._componentManager.register("ButtonIcon", ButtonIcon));

4. Menu Item Internationalization

If your menu items need to be internationalized, you need to add internationalization resources in advance.

// src/plugin/locale/zh-CN.ts
export default {
  customMenu: {
    button: '按钮',
    singleButton: '单个按钮',
// src/plugin/locale/en-US.ts
export default {
  customMenu: {
    button: 'Button',
    singleButton: 'Single button',

Register this internationalized resource to ILocaleService

// src/plugin/plugin.ts
export class UniverSheetsCustomMenuPlugin extends Plugin {
  static override type = UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET;
  static override pluginName = SHEET_CUSTOM_MENU_PLUGIN;
    @Inject(Injector) protected readonly _injector: Injector,
    @Inject(LocaleService) private readonly _localeService: LocaleService
  ) {

5. Menu Item Configuration

Organize the data needed for menu items, including the menu item's id, type, icon, title, positions, etc.

export function CustomMenuItemSingleButtonFactory(): IMenuButtonItem<string> {
  return {
    // Bind the command id, clicking the button will trigger this command
    id: SingleButtonOperation.id,
    // The type of the menu item, in this case, it is a button
    type: MenuItemType.BUTTON,
    // The icon of the button, which needs to be registered in ComponentManager
    icon: 'ButtonIcon',
    // The tooltip of the button. Prioritize matching internationalization. If no match is found, the original string will be displayed
    tooltip: 'customMenu.singleButton',
    // The title of the button. Prioritize matching internationalization. If no match is found, the original string will be displayed
    title: 'customMenu.button',
    // The button position can be configured in the toolbar or context menu using MenuPosition. If it is a sheet, you can also use SheetMenuPosition to configure the row header, column header, or sheet bar context menu
    positions: [MenuPosition.TOOLBAR_START, MenuPosition.CONTEXT_MENU],

Register this menu item with IMenuService

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _initMenus(): void {
    ] as IMenuItemFactory[]
  ).forEach((factory) => {
    this.disposeWithMe(this._menuService.addMenuItem(this._injector.invoke(factory), {}));

6. Dropdown List

In addition to adding a single button menu item, you can also add a dropdown menu item. The specific implementation is similar, except for the difference in constructing the menu item configuration:

  • Replace menu item configuration return type IMenuButtonItem<string> with IMenuSelectorItem<string>
  • Replace menu item type MenuItemType.BUTTON with MenuItemType.SUBITEMS
  • The main button of the dropdown list needs to customize an id, which is used as the unique identifier of the dropdown list and is used to associate the sub-menu items of the dropdown list. The positions of the sub-menu items need to be filled in with the id of the main button.
// src/plugin/controllers/menu/dropdown-list.menu.ts
const CUSTOM_MENU_DROPDOWN_LIST_OPERATION_ID = 'custom-menu.operation.dropdown-list';
export function CustomMenuItemDropdownListMainButtonFactory(): IMenuSelectorItem<string> {
  return {
    type: MenuItemType.SUBITEMS,
    icon: 'MainButtonIcon',
    tooltip: 'customMenu.dropdownList',
    title: 'customMenu.dropdown',
    positions: [MenuPosition.TOOLBAR_START, MenuPosition.CONTEXT_MENU],
export function CustomMenuItemDropdownListFirstItemFactory(): IMenuButtonItem<string> {
  return {
    id: DropdownListFirstItemOperation.id,
    type: MenuItemType.BUTTON,
    title: 'customMenu.itemOne',
    icon: 'ItemIcon',

Please refer to Custom Menu Playground for more details.

Customizing Menu Items (Hiding Menu Items)

Customizing or hiding menu items in Univer is a common requirement. We provide configuration options for all plugins that contain menu items, so you can easily achieve this requirement through configuration.

For example, hiding the bold menu item:

univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsUIPlugin, {
  menu: {
    'sheet.command.set-range-bold': {
      hidden: true,

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