Free Version

Obtaining the License File

  1. Go to the License Management page and click "Try Business Version For Free". Click "Download License" to obtain the license file. Note: You need to be logged in to start the trial. If you don't have an account, the system will create one for you upon your first login.

Start the trial

Replacing the License File

  1. After unzipping the downloaded license-univer.zip file, you will get license.txt and licenseKey.txt files. Please keep these two files safe and ensure that you do not modify their format or content.

Download the license

Backend Service

  • Use docker-compose

Copy the license.txt and licenseKey.txt files to the /docker-compose/configs/ directory. Run the service script bash run.sh in the docker-compose directory to restart the universer service.

  • Use Kubernetes


helm upgrade --install -n univer --create-namespace \
    --set global.istioNamespace="univer" \
    --set-file universer.license.licenseV2=$(YOUR_LICENSE_TXT_PATH) \
    --set-file universer.license.licenseKeyV2=$(YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_TXT_PATH) \
    univer-stack oci://univer-acr-registry.cn-shenzhen.cr.aliyuncs.com/helm-charts/univer-stack

Frontend SDK

  1. In addition to importing the univer plugin in your project, also import the license plugin. For specific plugin import methods, please refer to here.
import { UniverLicensePlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/license';
  1. Register the UniverLicensePlugin plugin. Make sure this plugin is registered first after the univer instance is initialized, as shown in the image below. Then paste the content of the license.txt file into the license parameter of the plugin.
univer.registerPlugin(UniverLicensePlugin, {
    license: `Content of your license.txt file`

Run the installation command

Verifying the License File

After successfully replacing the frontend and backend license files and restarting the service, please follow these steps to verify that the service is running normally and the license has been successfully loaded.

Backend Service

  1. Visit host:8000/universer-api/license/key to view the license entitlement information. For example: If your service is running locally, please visit http://localhost:8000/universer-api/license/key.
verify:true // License verification result
release_type:COMMERCIAL // License type

Backend license verification

Frontend SDK

  1. After injecting the License into the frontend and starting the project, you can verify whether the License is valid and being used correctly. Note: If no license is entered, or if the entered license is invalid (e.g., expired or incorrect content), some features will be restricted, and a watermark will be displayed on the page. Frontend license verification failed

  2. With a valid license entered, the project will run normally without restrictions. Frontend license verification successful

At this point, we have completed the installation and verification of the Univer Business Version. Next, you can read the official documentation to learn more about its features and usage methods to help integrate it into your application. Enjoy using Univer!

Is it possible for us to take a look at the Univer server benchmark report?

Absolutely, our benchmark report is available for your review. It offers an in-depth look at how our collaborative architecture performs. For further details, head over toCollaborative Benchmark.

What kind of setup do we need to get ready for deploying the server?

To deploy the server, just make sure your server is equipped with a single-core CPU, 2GB of RAM, and 10GB of storage. Also, you'll need Docker version 23 or above, or you can opt for a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. Remember, these specs are just for testing.

What brands of databases does the Univer server support?

Our Univer server is compatible with a range of popular databases including MySQL and PostgreSQL. For the full list, feel free to get in touch with us.

How do we go about deploying the Univer server in a Docker server?

Deploying the Univer server in a Docker container is a straightforward process. For a step-by-step guide, check out ourDocker Deployment.

And how about deploying the Univer server in a Kubernetes cluster?

Deploying our software in a Kubernetes cluster is a breeze. For a detailed guide, refer to ourKubernetes Deployment.