API Reference

@univerjs/core v0.1.17Docs

Enumeration: WrapStrategy

An enumeration of the strategies used to handle cell text wrapping.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration MemberValueDescriptionDefined in
CLIP2Lines that are longer than the cell width will be clipped. The text will never wrap to the next line unless the user manually inserts a new line. Example:First sentence.
OVERFLOW1Lines that are longer than the cell width will be written in the next cell over, so long as that cell is empty. If the next cell over is non-empty, this behaves the same as CLIP . The text will never wrap to the next line unless the user manually inserts a new line. Example:First sentence.
UNSPECIFIED0-submodules/univer/packages/core/src/types/enum/text-style.ts:73 (opens in a new tab)
WRAP3Words that are longer than a line are wrapped at the character level rather than clipped. Example:Cell has a

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