API Reference

@univerjs/core v0.1.17Docs

Interface: ICopyToOptionsData

Option of copyTo function



PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited fromDefined in
contentsOnly?boolean1. designates that only the content should be copied 2. Whether to clear only the contents. 3. worksheet Whether to clear the content.IOptionData.contentsOnlysubmodules/univer/packages/core/src/types/interfaces/i-range.ts:219 (opens in a new tab)
formatOnly?boolean1. designates that only the format should be copied 2. Whether to clear only the format; note that clearing format also clears data validation rules. 3. worksheet Whether to clear the format.IOptionData.formatOnlysubmodules/univer/packages/core/src/types/interfaces/i-range.ts:210 (opens in a new tab)

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