API Reference

@univerjs/core v0.2.11Docs

Interface: IColumnRange


  • IRangeLocation

Extended by


PropertyTypeDescriptionInherited fromDefined in
endColumnnumberThe end column (exclusive) of the range endColumn-submodules/univer/packages/core/src/sheets/typedef.ts:371 (opens in a new tab)
sheetId?stringId of the Worksheet the range belongs to. When this field is not defined, it should be considered as the range in the currently activated worksheet.IRangeLocation.sheetIdsubmodules/univer/packages/core/src/sheets/typedef.ts:343 (opens in a new tab)
startColumnnumberThe start column (inclusive) of the range startColumn-submodules/univer/packages/core/src/sheets/typedef.ts:365 (opens in a new tab)
unitId?stringId of the Workbook the range belongs to. When this field is not defined, it should be considered as the range in the currently activated worksheet.IRangeLocation.unitIdsubmodules/univer/packages/core/src/sheets/typedef.ts:337 (opens in a new tab)

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