API Reference

@univerjs/ui v0.1.17Docs

Interface: IShortcutItem<P>

Type Parameters

Type ParameterDefault type
P extends objectobject


PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined in
bindingnumberA command can be bound to several bindings, with different static parameters perhaps.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:40 (opens in a new tab)
description?stringDescription of the shortcut.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:32 (opens in a new tab)
group?stringThe group of the menu item should belong to. The shortcut item would be rendered in the panel if this is set.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:49 (opens in a new tab)
idstringThis should reuse the corresponding command's id.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:30 (opens in a new tab)
linux?number-packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:43 (opens in a new tab)
mac?number-packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:41 (opens in a new tab)
preconditions?(contextService: IContextService) => booleanA callback that will be triggered to examine if the shortcut should be invoked.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:37 (opens in a new tab)
priority?numberIf two shortcuts have the same binding, the one with higher priority would be check first.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:35 (opens in a new tab)
staticParameters?PStatic parameters of this shortcut. Would be send to CommandService.executeCommand.packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:52 (opens in a new tab)
win?number-packages/ui/src/services/shortcut/shortcut.service.ts:42 (opens in a new tab)

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