Univer Sheet
Advanced Usage
Custom Formula

Custom Formula

📊📝📽️ Univer General

When the existing formulas do not meet your needs, you can register custom formulas in the following ways.

How To Configure Custom Formulas Through Plugin

Follow the steps below to implement a custom formula CUSTOMSUM, configure the formula information into the formula plugin, and register the formula plugin with Univer.

You can create a new custom-function.ts file to specifically place custom formula-related modules, or write it directly before univer is initialized.

  1. Define formula name

    First, give the formula a name. We require that it cannot be repeated with the name of the existing formula. The existing formula is mainly from Office Excel (opens in a new tab) refer to.

    We collect multiple custom formulas in an enumeration.

     * function name
    export enum FUNCTION_NAMES_USER {
  2. Define internationalization

    Define the international content you need. For detailed field descriptions, please refer to the How to add formulas in Formula Engine section. Similarly, multiple formulas are distinguished by using the formula name as the key value.

    export const functionEnUS = {
      formulaCustom: {
        CUSTOMSUM: {
          description: `You can add individual values, cell references or ranges or a mix of all three.`,
          abstract: `Adds its arguments`,
          links: [
              title: 'Instruction',
              url: 'https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sum-function-043e1c7d-7726-4e80-8f32-07b23e057f89',
          functionParameter: {
            number1: {
              name: 'number1',
              detail: 'The first number you want to add. The number can be like 4, a cell reference like B6, or a cell range like B2:B8.',
            number2: {
              name: 'number2',
              detail: 'This is the second number you want to add. You can specify up to 255 numbers in this way.',
    export const functionZhCN = {
      formulaCustom: {
        CUSTOMSUM: {
          description: '将单个值、单元格引用或是区域相加,或者将三者的组合相加。',
          abstract: '求参数的和',
          links: [
              title: '教学',
              url: 'https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/office/sum-%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0-043e1c7d-7726-4e80-8f32-07b23e057f89',
          functionParameter: {
            number1: {
              name: '数值1',
              detail: '要相加的第一个数字。 该数字可以是 4 之类的数字,B6 之类的单元格引用或 B2:B8 之类的单元格范围。',
            number2: {
              name: '数值2',
              detail: '这是要相加的第二个数字。 可以按照这种方式最多指定 255 个数字。',
  3. Registration internationalization

    Expand the internationalization content you defined in the original internationalization object.

    import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core';
    import DesignEnUS from '@univerjs/design/locale/en-US';
    import DocsUIEnUS from '@univerjs/docs-ui/locale/en-US';
    import SheetsEnUS from '@univerjs/sheets/locale/en-US';
    import SheetsUIEnUS from '@univerjs/sheets-ui/locale/en-US';
    import UIEnUS from '@univerjs/ui/locale/en-US';
    import { functionEnUS, functionZhCN } from "./custom-function";
    export const locales = {
      [LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(
      [LocaleType.ZH_CN]: Tools.deepMerge(
  4. Definition description

    The description of the formula mainly configures internationalized fields, which are used for formula search prompts, details panels, etc.

    import type { IFunctionInfo } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    import { FunctionType } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    * description
    export const FUNCTION_LIST_USER: IFunctionInfo[] = [
        aliasFunctionName: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.aliasFunctionName',
        functionType: FunctionType.User,
        description: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.description',
        abstract: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.abstract',
        functionParameter: [
            name: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number1.name',
            detail: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number1.detail',
            example: 'A1:A20',
            require: 1,
            repeat: 0,
            name: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number2.name',
            detail: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number2.detail',
            example: 'B2:B10',
            require: 0,
            repeat: 1,
  5. Registration description

    Pass in the description object you defined when registering the formula plugin.

    // universal
    univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsFormulaPlugin, {
      description: FUNCTION_LIST_USER,
  6. Define formula algorithm

    Write specific formula calculation logic, map algorithms and formula names.

    import type { ArrayValueObject, BaseValueObject, IFunctionInfo } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    import { BaseFunction, FunctionType, NumberValueObject } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    * Function algorithm
    export class Customsum extends BaseFunction {
      override calculate(...variants: BaseValueObject[]) {
        let accumulatorAll: BaseValueObject = NumberValueObject.create(0);
        for (let i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
          let variant = variants[i];
          if (variant.isError()) {
            return variant;
          if (accumulatorAll.isError()) {
            return accumulatorAll;
          if (variant.isArray()) {
            variant = (variant as ArrayValueObject).sum();
          accumulatorAll = accumulatorAll.plus(variant as BaseValueObject);
        return accumulatorAll;
    // Mapping of algorithms and names
    export const functionUser = [[Customsum, FUNCTION_NAMES_USER.CUSTOMSUM]];

    Formula algorithms can also be marked with isAsync to return asynchronous results. A Promise is passed into the returned AsyncObject, and Promise.resolve can accept BaseValueObject or ArrayValueObject.

     * Get data asynchronously and assign it to a single formula value
    export class CustomAsyncObject extends BaseFunction {
      override calculate(value: BaseValueObject) {
          return new AsyncObject(asyncObjectFunction(value));
      override isAsync(): boolean {
          return true;
    async function asyncObjectFunction(value: BaseValueObject) {
      return new Promise((resolve: (value: BaseValueObject) => void) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
              resolve(StringValueObject.create(`Async Info: ${value.getValue()}`));
          }, 1000);
  7. Registration formula algorithm

    Pass in the formula algorithm object you defined in UniverFormulaEnginePlugin.

    univer.registerPlugin(UniverFormulaEnginePlugin, {
      function: functionUser,

    If UniverFormulaEnginePlugin is instantiated in worker, you need to register the formula algorithm in UniverFormulaEnginePlugin in worker, otherwise the custom formula cannot be executed.

  8. Test

    At this point, the development of the custom formula is completed, and now it is time to test it. Enter =CUSTOMSUM in any blank cell and expect to get a formula prompt. Here is a Custom Formula Demo for reference.

How To Add Formulas in Third-Party Plugin

If you are developing a Univer plugin, you can add custom formulas directly to the plugin to facilitate code management in a plugin repository.

Our internal UniverFormulaEnginePlugin plugin provides a function.service specifically for registering formula descriptions and algorithms.

First, create a new plugin, and then you can start adding custom formulas.

  1. Create a new custom-function.ts file in the common file and write all the basic modules required for the formula.

    import type { ArrayValueObject, BaseValueObject, IFunctionInfo } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    import { BaseFunction, FunctionType, NumberValueObject } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
     * function name
    export enum FUNCTION_NAMES_USER {
    export const functionEnUS = {
      formulaCustom: {
        CUSTOMSUM: {
          description: `You can add individual values, cell references or ranges or a mix of all three.`,
          abstract: `Adds its arguments`,
          links: [
              title: 'Instruction',
              url: 'https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sum-function-043e1c7d-7726-4e80-8f32-07b23e057f89',
          functionParameter: {
            number1: {
              name: 'number1',
              detail: 'The first number you want to add. The number can be like 4, a cell reference like B6, or a cell range like B2:B8.',
            number2: {
              name: 'number2',
              detail: 'This is the second number you want to add. You can specify up to 255 numbers in this way.',
    export const functionZhCN = {
      formulaCustom: {
        CUSTOMSUM: {
          description: '将单个值、单元格引用或是区域相加,或者将三者的组合相加。',
          abstract: '求参数的和',
          links: [
              title: '教学',
              url: 'https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/office/sum-%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0-043e1c7d-7726-4e80-8f32-07b23e057f89',
          functionParameter: {
            number1: {
              name: '数值1',
              detail: '要相加的第一个数字。 该数字可以是 4 之类的数字,B6 之类的单元格引用或 B2:B8 之类的单元格范围。',
            number2: {
              name: '数值2',
              detail: '这是要相加的第二个数字。 可以按照这种方式最多指定 255 个数字。',
     * description
    export const FUNCTION_LIST_USER: IFunctionInfo[] = [
        aliasFunctionName: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.aliasFunctionName',
        functionType: FunctionType.User,
        description: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.description',
        abstract: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.abstract',
        functionParameter: [
            name: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number1.name',
            detail: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number1.detail',
            example: 'A1:A20',
            require: 1,
            repeat: 0,
            name: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number2.name',
            detail: 'formulaCustom.CUSTOMSUM.functionParameter.number2.detail',
            example: 'B2:B10',
            require: 0,
            repeat: 1,
     * Function algorithm
    export class Customsum extends BaseFunction {
      override calculate(...variants: BaseValueObject[]) {
        let accumulatorAll: BaseValueObject = NumberValueObject.create(0);
        for (let i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
          let variant = variants[i];
          if (variant.isError()) {
            return variant;
          if (accumulatorAll.isError()) {
            return accumulatorAll;
          if (variant.isArray()) {
            variant = (variant as ArrayValueObject).sum();
          accumulatorAll = accumulatorAll.plus(variant as BaseValueObject);
        return accumulatorAll;
    export const functionUser = [[Customsum, FUNCTION_NAMES_USER.CUSTOMSUM]];
  2. Create a new custom-description.controller.ts under the controllers folder to register formula internationalization content and description.

    import { Disposable, LifecycleStages, Inject, LocaleService, OnLifecycle } from '@univerjs/core';
    import { FUNCTION_LIST_USER, functionEnUS, functionZhCN } from '../common/custom-function';
    import { IDescriptionService } from '../services/description.service';
    @OnLifecycle(LifecycleStages.Ready, CustomDescriptionController)
    export class CustomDescriptionController extends Disposable {
        @IDescriptionService private readonly _descriptionService: IDescriptionService,
        @Inject(LocaleService) private readonly _localeService: LocaleService
      ) {
      private _initialize(): void {
      private _registerLocales() {
          zhCN: functionZhCN,
          enUS: functionEnUS,
      private _registerCustomDescriptions() {
  3. Create a new custom-function.controller.ts under the controllers folder to register formula algorithms.

    import { type Ctor } from '@univerjs/core';
    import { Disposable, LifecycleStages, OnLifecycle } from '@univerjs/core';
    import type { BaseFunction, IFunctionNames } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    import { IFunctionService } from '@univerjs/engine-formula';
    import { functionUser } from '../common/custom-function';
    @OnLifecycle(LifecycleStages.Ready, CustomFunctionController)
    export class CustomFunctionController extends Disposable {
      constructor(@IFunctionService private readonly _functionService: IFunctionService) {
      private _initialize(): void {
      private _registerCustomFunctions() {
        const functions: BaseFunction[] = [...functionUser].map((registerObject) => {
          const Func = registerObject[0] as Ctor<BaseFunction>;
          const name = registerObject[1] as IFunctionNames;
          return new Func(name);
  4. In the plugin entry file plugin.ts, register custom-description.controller.ts and custom-function.controller.ts into the DI system.

    initialize(): void {
      // ... other logic
      const dependencies: Dependency[] = [
        // ... other modules
      dependencies.forEach((dependency) => this._injector.add(dependency));

    Start Univer and enter =CUSTOMSUM in any blank cell to test this newly added formula.

Write a Plugin To Register Formulas

In addition to registering through the UniverFormulaEnginePlugin configuration, the formula algorithm module can also be separately packaged as a plugin for registration.

First of all, there is no need to register CustomFunctionController in plugin.ts. Create a new custom-function-plugin.ts in the same directory, specifically for registering CustomFunctionController.

import type { Dependency } from '@univerjs/core';
import { Plugin, PluginType, Inject, Injector } from '@univerjs/core';
import { FORMULA_UI_PLUGIN_NAME } from './common/plugin-name';
import { CustomFunctionController } from './controllers/custom-function.controller';
export class UniverSheetsCustomFunctionPlugin extends Plugin {
  static override type = PluginType.Sheet;
  constructor(@Inject(Injector) override readonly _injector: Injector) {
  initialize(): void {
    const dependencies: Dependency[] = [[CustomFunctionController]];
    dependencies.forEach((dependency) => this._injector.add(dependency));
  override onReady(): void {

Then export it in index.ts

export { UniverSheetsCustomFunctionPlugin } from './custom-function-plugin';

Register plugin

import { UniverSheetsCustomFunctionPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-formula';
// ...initialize other plugins

How To Add Formulas in Formula Engine

Univer's goal is to be compatible with all Excel and Google Sheets formulas, and we hope everyone can help improve this part of the content.

How to Claim the Formula

  1. From Office Excel functions (opens in a new tab) or Google Sheets function list (opens in a new tab), first find a formula you are interested in and check whether it has not been implemented in Univer and no one has claimed it in Github issues.
  2. Create a Feature request issue (opens in a new tab) for each formula. Comment under the mark @yourself: I can solve it, example [Feature] Math Formula LET (opens in a new tab).
  3. Wait for the maintainer's comment and confirmation before starting development.

How to Submit Code

  1. Refer to our Contribution Guides, fork Univer Project (opens in a new tab), and branch development from dev. The branch names are unified to feat/formula-[function name], such as feat/formula-sumif.
  2. When developing code, pay attention to comply with our CONTRIBUTING (opens in a new tab)
  3. Mark the close related issue in the PR, submit the PR, and rebase the upstream branch in time. Reviewers select Dushusir to wait for code review and QA testing.
  4. Merge into dev after passing code review and QA

How to Implement the Formula

Before officially starting to write code, it is recommended that you study Formula Architecture to have a comprehensive understanding of the formula system.

Familiar with the classification of formulas

  • Financial
  • Date
  • Math
  • Statistical
  • Lookup
  • Database
  • Text
  • Logical
  • Information
  • Engineering
  • Cube
  • Compatibility
  • Web
  • Array
  • Univer
  • User
  • DefinedName

Detailed API reference FunctionType

To implement a formula, you need to add formula description, internationalization, and formula algorithm. Take the SUMIF function as an example for reference.

  1. Add Function Name

    Location: packages/engine-formula/src/functions/math/function-names.ts (opens in a new tab).

    Each category has a folder containing a function-names file to manage all function names in that category. Add the function name, which will be used in the sheets-formula plugin.

    Note that a function in Excel may belong to multiple categories. For example, FLOOR appears in Compatibility and Math Functions, and we classify it under the Math category. Other functions are treated similarly, based on the exact classification.

    Most Excel functions have already written function names. New functions can be added at the end

  2. Internationalization Files

    Location: packages/sheets-formula/src/locale/function-list/math/en-US.ts (opens in a new tab).

    Internationalization is organized by category, with a file for each category. Refer to the Office function category page for a brief overview.

    office excel

    Refer to the Office function details page for function descriptions and parameter descriptions.


    Most function names already have basic description, abstract, links, and parameter structures. It is recommended to modify them based on this foundation. If a function is not present, add it to the end.


    • Use the English names of function parameters as the key for translation, e.g., SUMIF. Generally, do not modify unless there is an error.
    • Extract the description from the content, as some Excel descriptions are lengthy and need simplification.
    • abstract and links generally do not need modification.
    • aliasFunctionName is optional; most formulas do not need to be filled (or can be set for aliases in specific countries). Currently, there is no documentation for formula aliases. Currently I have found a function translation plug-in that may provide similar functions Excel Functions Translator (opens in a new tab)
    • functionParameter needs a name for each parameter. We recommend varying names based on the parameter's meaning, e.g., use number for a numeric parameter (if there is only one) or number1, number2 for multiple numeric parameters. Use range for a range, criteria for conditions, and sumRange for the sum range, use camelCase. For specific parameter content, the English format of name uses the underlined format sum_range, other languages use the translated text, and detail uses all translations.
    • Some Chinese translations in the Office function documentation are machine-translated and may be unclear. Modify as needed. For example, 单元格参考 (Cell Reference) should be translated as 单元格引用. Numeric type parameters are uniformly translated as: 数值.
    • Do not end abstract with a period (used in the search list when users input cells), but end description and detail with a period (used in descriptions).
    • Capitalize the first letter of English sentences.
    • Ensure that all existing internationalization files are filled. Currently, there are Chinese, English, Japanese, and Russian translations (languages can be switched at the bottom of the Excel introduction page).
  3. Formula Descriptions

    SUMIF belongs to the math category, and the description is in packages/sheets-formula/src/services/function-list/math.ts (opens in a new tab), which manages all functions in the math category.

    Most function names already have basic description structure. It is recommended to modify them based on this foundation. If a function is not present, add it to the end.

    Here is an example of SUMIF

      functionName: FUNCTION_NAMES_MATH.SUMIF,
      aliasFunctionName: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.aliasFunctionName',
      functionType: FunctionType.Math,
      description: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.description',
      abstract: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.abstract',
      functionParameter: [
          name: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.range.name',
          detail: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.range.detail',
          example: 'A1:A20',
          require: 1,
          repeat: 0,
          name: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.criteria.name',
          detail: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.criteria.detail',
          example: '">5"',
          require: 1,
          repeat: 0,
          name: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.sumRange.name',
          detail: 'formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.sumRange.detail',
          example: 'B1:B20',
          require: 0,
          repeat: 0,


    • Add the formula to the FUNCTION_LIST_MATH array. It is recommended to keep the order consistent with the internationalization file for easy management and retrieval.
    • Reference the previously defined FUNCTION_NAMES_MATH enum for the functionName.
    • aliasFunctionName is also optional; if there are no aliases in the internationalization file, you do not need to add them here.
    • Pay attention to the internationalized fields corresponding to the function name and parameter name. For example, the name of functionParameter is written as formula.functionList.SUMIF.functionParameter.range.name, SUMIF is the function name, and range is the parameter name.
    • Modify function parameter information, including the example parameter example (e.g., for a range, use "A1:A20"; for conditions, use ">5"), the require parameter (1 for required, 0 for optional), and the repeat parameter (1 for allowed, 0 for not allowed). For detailed information, refer to the interface IFunctionParam (opens in a new tab).
  4. Formula Algorithm

    Location: packages/engine-formula/src/functions/math/sumif/index.ts (opens in a new tab).

    Create a new formula folder under the classification folder of the current formula. The folder name is the same as the formula, named with kebab-case, one folder for each formula. Then create a new index.ts file to write the formula algorithm. The name of the formula class adopts PascalCase. The formula is considered to be one word, and the formula with _ or . is considered to be two words such as

    • SUMIF => folder sumif, class Sumif
    • NETWORKDAYS.INTL => folder networkdays-intl, class NetworkdaysIntl
    • ARRAY_CONSTRAIN => folder array-constrain, class ArrayConstrain

    Create a __tests__ folder at the same level to write unit tests. After writing, remember to add the formula algorithm and function name mapping in the function-map file in the category directory to register the formula algorithm.

    Location: packages/engine-formula/src/functions/math/function-map.ts (opens in a new tab).

  5. Unit Tests

    Location: packages/engine-formula/src/functions/math/sumif/__tests__/index.spec.ts (opens in a new tab)


    • Supplement sheetData according to the formula's calculation needs, construct cellData based on the calculated data, and determine rowCount and columnCount.
    • Manually initialize the formula with new Sumif(FUNCTION_NAMES_MATH.SUMIF).
    • Manually build the formula parameters for each test, and execute calculate at the end.
    • Single formula tests are generally used for testing the algorithm of the current formula. If testing nested formulas with multiple formulas is needed, manually nest them or go to the /packages/engine-formula/src/functions/__tests__ directory to execute complex nested formulas.
  6. Functional Tests

    Start Univer in development mode, test formulas on the interface, and preconstruct data.

    • In any blank cell, enter =sumif. Expect a search prompt list to appear.
    • After selecting SUMIF or entering =sumif(, trigger the formula details popup and carefully check the contents.
    • Select the data range, trigger the calculation, and check if the formula calculation result is correct.


  • For most formula rules, please refer to the latest version of Excel. If there are any unreasonable rules, please refer to Google Sheets.

  • The input and output parameters of any formula can be A1, A1:B10, and the cell content may also be numbers, strings, Boolean values, empty cells, error values, arrays, etc., although the formula tutorial explains In order to identify fixed data types, the program implementation needs to be compatible. When researching Excel, consider all cases, such as =SIN(A1:B10), which expands to the calculated range.

    • For example, the XLOOKUP function requires at least one of the rows or columns of its two inputs to be of equal size for matrix calculation.

    • For example, the SUMIF function, although commonly used for summation, can expand based on the second parameter.

      sumif array

      sumif array result

    • Excel formula calculation is becoming more like numpy, for example:


  • In formula algorithms, the number of parameters passed in needs to be checked. If it is less than the number of required parameters, or more than the number of required + optional parameters, #N/A will be returned (this behavior will be intercepted in Excel, and #N/A will be returned in Google Sheets, we refer to Google Sheets).

  • For numerical calculations in formulas, use built-in methods and try to avoid obtaining values for manual calculation. Because formula parameters can be values, arrays, or references. You can refer to existing sum and minus functions.

  • Precision issues: The formula introduces big.js, and using built-in methods will call this library. However, it is nearly 100 times slower than native calculations. Therefore, for methods like sin, it is advisable to use native implementations.

  • For custom calculations, use the product function, suitable for calculating two input parameters. Call map to iterate over the values for changes to a parameter's own values.

  • Formula algorithm supports two configurations needsExpandParams and needsReferenceObject

    • needsExpandParams: Whether the function needs to expand parameters, mainly handles situations where the LOOKUP function needs to handle vectors of different sizes
    • needsReferenceObject: Whether the function needs to pass in a reference object. After setting, BaseReferenceObject will not be converted into ArrayValueObject but will be passed directly into the formula algorithm, such as the OFFSET function
  • Formula calculation errors will return fixed types of errors, such as #NAME?, #VALUE!, which need to be aligned with Excel, because there are functions ISERR, ISNA, etc. that determine the error type. If the type is not specified correctly, the result will be It may be different.

  • Functions that support reference objects, such as OFFSET, INDIRECT, and ADDRESS, need to be marked with isAddress to determine whether the associated range needs to be obtained from the reference object. Refer to the implementation of the OFFSET function.

Basic Tools

  1. ValueObjectFactory is used to automatically recognize parameter formats and create a parameter instance. Use RangeReferenceObject to create parameter instances for range-type data.
  2. The array toArrayValueObject can be operated directly with values to get a new array.

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