Pivot Table
📊 Univer Sheet
Pivot table is a powerful data analysis tool that can quickly summarize, organize and analyze large amounts of data, thereby helping users discover patterns and trends in the data.
provides the most basic data calculation capabilities for pivot tables. The plugin does not rely on any third-party plug-ins for its work.@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot
assembles engine-pivot into universal sheet plugin to support table rendering, collaboration, formulas and other capabilities@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui
provides a basic drag-and-drop interface & filtering and other dialogs required for interaction
Feature ability
Since PivotTable is a very complex and large-scale function, we currently provide a beta version and will continue to iterate in the future.
Currently supported functions
- 11 subtotal methods supported like excel
- Dimension label filtering and sorting (using localCompare method)
- tabular layout
- expand / collapse
- Supports multiple value dimensions, and can customize the area (value position) and position (value index) of the multi-value dimension.
- rename field & format filed
- auto refresh when data source range change and dirty formula witch ref the pivot table area
Planning features
- Group , the date group & element group & number group
- Filter & sort, support the value filter and value sort
- Show data as, support all kind of show data as type in excel
- Calc field & calc item
- Enhance the layout ability, support compact & outline layout, merge items and blank rows.
pnpm add @univerjs-pro/engine-pivot @univerjs/sheets-pivot @univerjs/sheets-pivot-ui
import '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui/lib/index.css';
import { UniverSheetsPivotTablePlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot';
import { UniverSheetsPivotTableUIPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui';
import { LocaleType, Tools } from '@univerjs/core';
import SheetsPivotTableEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot/locale/en-US';
import SheetsPivotTableUIEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-pivot-ui/locale/en-US';
const univer = new Univer({
theme: defaultTheme,
locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
locales: {
[LocaleType.EN_US]: Tools.deepMerge(