Univer Sheet
Self-hosted Backend Service
Univer Server Integration Protocol

Univer Server Integration Protocol

Introduction to USIP

USIP: Univer Server Integration Protocol


  • USIP Client: The end that initiates USIP requests, generally is the Univer Server
  • USIP Server: The end that implements USIP and provides services

USIP refers to the protocol that must be followed when integrating a third-party system with Univer Server, specifically requiring implementation of a series of USIP-defined interfaces.

Based on these protocols, Univer Server can access third-party systems to obtain the results required by clients.

In this way, while ensuring that data remains within the third-party client system, Univer Server can successfully integrate into the yourself system.

relationship api call flowchart


  1. The integrating party needs to maintain the relationship between users and documents on their own. Univer Server acts as the client to obtain user permissions under documents through an interface.
  2. Implementation: Upon successfully creating a document by calling Univer Server, it returns a unitID as document ID. The integrating party needs to store this ID to manage their own document management operations effectively. This API in it.

Required Interfaces

  1. Credential verify: Verify user identity legality (AuthN)
  • The Univer Server interface verifies user identity by forwarding all request HTTP headers to the USIP server's credential verify interface for authentication.
  • If the credential verify interface validates successfully, it needs to return User structured data, including the user's unique identifier userID, which will be used in subsequent Univer Server operations.
curl -X GET \
  -H "authorization: xx" \
  -H "cookie: xx" \
# response
  "user": {
    "userID": "xxx",
    "name": "xxx",
    "avatar": "xxx",
  1. Bulk User Info Retrieval
  • The Bulk User Info Retrieval interface accepts a userIDs string array parameter where each element represents a user identifier userID.
  • The interface returns an array of User objects.
  • The userIDs array max size is 100.
  • After 0.2.9 version (not include 0.2.9) this api of GET method will be deprecated.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/userinfo" \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"userIDs":["1","2"]}'
# response
  "users": [
    {"userID": "1", "name":"xxx", "avatar":"https://xxxx"},
    {"userID": "2", "name":"xxx", "avatar":"https://xxxx"},
  1. Permission role: Retrieving Specific User Permissions for Specific Documents (AuthZ)
  • The USIP server is responsible for managing user permissions on documents. Currently, Univer Server has predefined several roles:
ownerManages the document
editorCan edit the document
readerCan view the document
  • The Permission role interface accepts a unitID parameter identifying the document ID and a userID parameter identifying the user.
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/role?unitID=xxx&userID=xxx"
# response
  "userID": "xxx",
  "role": "owner"
  1. Get Collaborator List: Retrieve the list of collaborators for a document
  • The Get Collaborator List interface should accept a unitIDs string array parameter, allowing retrieval of collaborator lists for multiple documents simultaneously.
  • The unitIDs array max size is 100.
  • After 0.2.9 version (not include 0.2.9) this api of GET method will be deprecated.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/collaborators" \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"unitIDs":["AA","BB"]}'
# response
  "collobrators": [
          "subject": {
            "id": "1",
            "name": "xx",
            "avatar": "xxx",
            "type": "user"
          "subject": {
            "id": "2",
            "name": "xx",
            "avatar": "xxx",
            "type": "user"

Univer Server Service Configuration

To enable USIP functionality, configure the above interface addresses in the .env file located in the docker-compose directory, and then restart the service.

# usip about

If you want to make unit can be edit/read to everyone in default, you can set this in .env:

  • AUTH_PERMISSION_DEFAULT_SHARE_ROLE: support setting is editor, reader.

Code Example

You can view the usip-example (opens in a new tab) for reference.

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