Univer Sheet
Getting Started
Configure Cell Data

Configure Cell Data

📊 Univer Sheet

Cell Position

The cell data in Univer Sheet is stored in the cellData field of IWorksheetData, cellData is a two-dimensional Map structure, with the first and second indexes representing the row number and column number respectively, and each cell is an ICellData object, which contains all the cell information such as cell value, style, type, etc.

The structure of cellData is as follows

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    // first row
    0: {
      // first column
      0: { v: 'A1' },
      // second column
      1: { v: 'B1' },
    // second row
    1: {
      // first column
      0: { v: 'A2' },
      // second column
      1: { v: 'B2' },

Cell Data

The complete cell information is as follows.

vCell original value
sCell style id or style object
tCell type
pRich text, also a 📝 Univer Doc
siFormula id
customCustom field

Check out the type information of each field of ICellData.

Cell Original Value

cellData.v stores the original value of the cell, which can be a string or a number. For cells with formulas, v stores the calculation result of the formula.

Here we show two different cell values.

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    0: {
      0: { v: 'A1' },
      1: { v: 1 },

Cell Style

cellData.s stores the style id or style object of the cell.

If s is a string, it represents a style id. Univer Sheet supports reference optimization for styles. The repeated style objects are stored in the styles field of IWorkbookData, which is a Map structure, each key is the style id, and the value is the style object.

// IWorkbookData
  styles: {
    'random_style_id_1': {
      fs: 12,
      bg: {
        rgb: '#ff0000'

Then store the id in the cell style to achieve the purpose of style reuse.

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    0: {
      0: {
        v: 'A1',
        s: 'random_style_id_1'
      1: {
        v: 'B1',
        s: 'random_style_id_1'

If s is an object, it represents a complete cell style object IStyleData.

The complete style field is as follows.

fsFont size
bgBackground color
clFont color
vaSuperscript or subscript
trText rotation
tdText direction
htHorizontal alignment
vtVertical alignment
tbTruncate overflow

You can check out the type information of each field of IStyleData.


ff is a string that represents the font name.

// IStyleData
  ff: 'Arial' // Font name is Arial

Font Size

fs is a number, the unit is pt.

// IStyleData
  fs: 12 // Font size is 12 pt


it is a boolean number, 0 means not italic, 1 means italic.

// IStyleData
  it: 1 // Italic


bl is a boolean number, 0 means not bold, 1 means bold.

// IStyleData
  bl: 1 // Bold


ul is an object, represents underline style.

// IStyleData
  ul: {
    s: 1, // Whether to show underline
    c: 0, // Whether the color follows the font color. When `c` is 1 (TRUE), cl does not work. The default value is 1
    cl: { // Underline color
      rgb: '#ff0000'
    t: 0 // Underline type


st is an object, represents strikethrough style.

// IStyleData
  st: {
    s: 1, // Whether to show strikethrough
    c: 0, // Whether the color follows the font color. When `c` is 1 (TRUE), cl does not work. The default value is 1
    cl: { // Strikethrough color
      rgb: '#ff0000'
    t: 0 // Strikethrough type


ol is an object, represents overline style.

// IStyleData
  ol: {
    s: 1, // Whether to show overline
    c: 0, // Whether the color follows the font color. When `c` is 1 (TRUE), cl does not work. The default value is 1
    cl: { // Overline color
      rgb: '#ff0000'
    t: 0 // Overline type

Background Color

bg is an object, represents background color.

// IStyleData
  bg: {
    rgb: '#ff0000' // Background color is red


bd is an object, represents border style.

// IStyleData
  bd: {
    // Top border
    t: {
      s: 0, // Border style
      cl: {  // Border color
        rgb: '#ff0000'
    // Bottom border
    b: {
      s: 0, // Border style
      cl: {  // Border color
        rgb: '#ff0000'
    // Left border
    l: {
      s: 0, // Border style
      cl: {  // Border color
        rgb: '#ff0000'
    // Right border
    r: {
      s: 0, // Border style
      cl: {  // Border color
        rgb: '#ff0000'

Font Color

cl is an object, represents font color.

// IStyleData
  cl: {
    rgb: '#ff0000' // Font color is red

Superscript or Subscript

va is a enum number, 1 means normal, 2 means subscript, 3 means superscript.

// IStyleData
  va: 2 // Subscript

Text Rotation

tr is an object, represents text rotation.

// IStyleData
  tr: {
    a: 0, // Text rotation angle
    v: 0 // Whether it is vertical. 1 means vertical, 0 means horizontal. The default value is 0. When v is 1, a is invalid

Text Direction

td is an enum number, 1 means left to right, 2 means right to left.

// IStyleData
  td: 1 // Left to right

Horizontal Alignment

ht is an enum number, 1 means left alignment, 2 means center, 3 means right alignment.

// IStyleData
  ht: 1 // Left alignment

Vertical Alignment

vt is an enum number, 1 means top alignment, 2 means center, 3 means bottom alignment.

// IStyleData
  vt: 1 // Top alignment

Truncate Overflow

tb is an enum number, 1 means overflow, 2 means truncate, 3 means wrap.

// IStyleData
  tb: 1 // Overflow


pd is an object, represents padding.

// IStyleData
  pd: {
    t: 0, // Top padding
    b: 0, // Bottom padding
    l: 0, // Left padding
    r: 0  // Right padding

Cell Type

cellData.t is an enumeration CellValueType, represents the type of the cell. 1 means string, 2 means number, 3 means boolean, 4 means force text. Univer will automatically recognize it if it is not set.

If the cell is a boolean type, the value of cellData.v is stored as 0 or 1, 0 means false, 1 means true.

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    0: {
      0: {
        v: 'A1',
        t: 1 // String
      1: {
        v: 1,
        t: 2 // Number
      1: {
        v: 1, // TRUE
        t: 2 // Boolean

Rich Text

cellData.p is an object that represents rich text and is also a Univer Doc. Learn more about IDocumentData.


cellData.f is a string that represents a formula.

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    0: {
      0: {
        f: '=SUM(A1:B1)' // function SUM

Formula ID

cellData.si is a string that represents the formula ID. Univer Sheet supports reference optimization for formulas. After the current formula is associated with si in the cell, other cells can refer to the current formula through si.

The actual formula can be obtained through the Facade API range.getFormulas(). The rule is to get the formula f corresponding to si, and then calculate the actual formula based on the offset from the current cell position to the reference position.

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    0: {
      0: {
        f: '=SUM(A1:B1)' // Sum formula
        si: 'random_formula_id_1' // ID of the current formula
      1: {
        si: 'random_formula_id_1' // Take the formula corresponding to this ID during calculation

Custom Field

cellData.custom is an object that represents a custom field. You can put any data that complies with the JSON format into it to customize the storage of some additional information.

Updating custom data will overwrite the original custom data. If you need to keep the original custom data when updating data, please obtain the custom data in advance and merge it into new data before updating.

// IWorksheetData
  cellData: {
    0: {
      0: {
        custom: {
          key: 'value'

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