Univer Sheet
Custom Component

Using Custom Components in Univer

📊 Univer Sheet

Univer provides multiple ways to integrate custom components, allowing you to extend and customize Univer's functionality. This guide will introduce several common methods.

1. Using Custom Components in the Sidebar

openSiderbar Method 0.3.0+

  • Use the workbook.openSiderbar(params: ISidebarMethodOptions) method to open a sidebar containing custom components in the Univer interface.
  • ISidebarMethodOptions (opens in a new tab): Full parameter definition
import { ComponentManager } from '@univerjs/ui';
const injector = univer.__getInjector();
const componentManager = injector.get(ComponentManager);
// You should register components at an appropriate time (e.g., when Univer has finished loading)
   () => <div style={{ width: 100, height: 100, background: '#fff' }}>弹出内容</div>,
const sidebar = workbook.openSiderbar({
  header: { title: 'My Sidebar' },
  children: { label: 'mySidebar' },
  onClose: () => {
  width: 360,
// Close the sidebar later

2. Using Custom Components in Dialogs

openDialog Method 0.3.0+

import { ComponentManager } from '@univerjs/ui';
const injector = univer.__getInjector();
const componentManager = injector.get(ComponentManager);
// You should register components at an appropriate time (e.g., when Univer has finished loading)
  () => <div style={{ width: 100, height: 100, background: '#fff' }}>弹出内容</div>,
const dialog = workbook.openDialog({
  id: 'myDialog',
  title: 'My Dialog',
  body: MyCustomDialogComponent,
// Close the dialog later

3. Attaching Popups to Cells 0.2.10+

attachPopup Method

  • A Popup is a temporary DOM element attached to a cell, generally used to display temporary status information. It does not support persistent storage.
  • Use the range.attachPopup() method to attach custom popups to specific cell ranges.
  • Popups will stick to the edges of cells, and if they are obstructed, they will automatically adjust their position and direction.
import { ComponentManager } from '@univerjs/ui';
const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet();
const range = sheet.getRange(0, 0, 10, 10); // A1:J10
const injector = univer.__getInjector();
const componentManager = injector.get(ComponentManager);
// You should register components at an appropriate time (e.g., when Univer has finished loading)
  () => <div style={{ width: 100, height: 100, background: '#fff' }}>Popup content</div>
// Attach the popup to the first cell of the range
// If disposable is null, it means the popup failed to add
const disposable = range.attachPopup({
  // componentKey must be a component or a key of a registered component
    componentKey: myPopup,
    // If componentKey is a Vue3 component, isVue3 must be set to true
    // isVue3: true,
// Remove the popup

4. Adding Floating DOM to Worksheets 0.2.10+

addFloatDomToPosition Method

  • The @univerjs/sheet-drawing-ui plugin needs to be installed before using this method.
  • Floating DOM is a draggable component hovering over the sheet, which also supports persistent storage.
  • Call this method after Univer has finished rendering.
  • componentKey must be a registered component key or a React/Vue3 component. If it is a Vue3 component, isVue3 must be set to true.

demo (opens in a new tab)

import { ComponentManager } from '@univerjs/ui';
const worksheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet();
// You should register components at an appropriate time (e.g., when Univer has finished loading)
  ({ data }) => (
    <div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%', background: '#fff' }}>
      Popup content
// Add a floating DOM
// If disposable is null, it means the floating DOM failed to add
const disposable = worksheet.addFloatDomToPosition({
    // componentKey must be a component or a key of a registered component
    componentKey: myFloatDom,
    // If componentKey is a Vue3 component, isVue3 must be set to true
    // isVue3: true,
    initPosition: {
        startX: 100,
        endX: 200,
        startY: 100,
        endY: 200,
    // This is the component's data
    data: {
        label: 'Hello',
// Remove the floating DOM

5. Attaching Alert Popups 0.3.0+

attachAlertPopup Method

Use the range.attachAlertPopup() method to attach an alert popup to the starting cell of a specified range.

const range = sheet.getRange("A1:B2");
const alertDisposable = range.attachAlertPopup({
  key: "myAlert",
  title: "这是一个警告!",
  message: "这是一个警告!",
  width: 300,
  height: 200,
  // 0: 信息
  // 1: 警告
  // 2: 错误
  type: 0
// Remove the alert later


  1. When using these methods, ensure that Univer has finished rendering.
  2. For components that need registration, make sure they are correctly registered before use.
  3. Use the dispose() method to clean up and remove added components to avoid memory leaks.
  4. For Vue3 components, set isVue3: true in the options.

By using these methods, you can flexibly integrate various custom components in Univer, thereby enhancing and customizing Univer's functionality.

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